====== Start ====== This website is devoted to gathering extended documentation on the [[http://www.femm.info|Finite Element Magnetics Method]]. It is a finite-element modelling software created by [[http://www.femm.info/wiki/DavidMeeker|Dr David Meeker]] and kindly released for free use to anyone, under the [[Aladdin Free Public License]]. The **//Unofficial FEMM documentation//** website. * {{femm_4.2_user_manual_october_25_2015.pdf|FEMM 4.2 - User's Manual, Oct 25, 2015}} * [[Users manual|FEMM 4.2 - User's Manual, Oct 25, 2015]] (extracted to HTML) * {{manuals/femm_4-2_user_manual_jan_30_2018.pdf|FEMM 4.2 - User's Manual, Jan 30, 2018}} {{page>insert/paypal}} ====== FEMM general settings ====== * [[Colours of the legend]] ("rainbow" colors) * [[Symmetry and boundary conditions]] (Dirichlet and Neumann conditions) ====== MAGNETICS ====== Don't know how to do something in FEMM? First, read through the manual. But perhaps you can find some useful tricks and tutorials below. ==== Simple tutorial ==== * [[Simple MAGNETIC simulation in FEMM - step-by-step tutorial]] ===== Magnetics pre-process ====== ==== Mesh ==== ==== Boundary conditions ==== * The length of segments for periodic and anti-periodic boundary should match to within 1e-6 of the base units used in the geometry. ==== Circuits ===== * [[3-phase currents]] ==== Materials ===== * [[Loss angle]] ==== Analyse ===== * [[Power loss in windings]] ===== Magnetics post-process ====== ==== Currents ==== * [[Measure local current]] ==== Inductance ==== * [[Magnetic coupling factor LUA]] ==== Real and Imaginary values of L and R ==== * [[Real and Imaginary values of L and R]] ====== ELECTROSTATICS ====== ==== Simple tutorial ==== * [[Simple ELECTROSTATIC simulation in FEMM - step-by-step tutorial]] ====== THERMAL ====== ==== Simple tutorial ==== * [[Simple HEAT FLOW simulation in FEMM - step-by-step tutorial]] ==== Combined radiation and convection boundaries ==== * [[Combined radiation and convection boundaries]] ====== CURRENT FLOW ====== ==== Simple tutorial ==== * [[Simple CURRENT FLOW simulation in FEMM - step-by-step tutorial]] ====== LUA scripting ====== Reference manual for Lua 4.0: http://www.lua.org/manual/4.0/ * [[LUA scripting tips]] * [[LUA with simple polar co-ordinates]] * [[LUA script for calculating magnetic coupling coefficient k]]